I’m Kathryn, and I’m a nutritionist who specialises in family health.

I have run Routes to Nutrition (our previous name) for over eight years, a thriving nutritional practice specialising in Autism, ADHD, tics, OCD, PANS, PANDAS, and other neurodivergent conditions.

I have worked with hundreds of clients both in the UK and internationally. My approach focuses on running non-invasive laboratory testing, creating bespoke nutrition programs, and using high-quality, yet gentle supplements to build the foundations of health. I prefer to “test, don’t guess.”

About me

I completed a degree focusing on Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Surrey. I also have Diploma in Nutrition with Distinction.

I struggled with many aspects of my own health twenty years ago, including brain fog, extreme gut issues, and fatigue.

My son has an autism diagnosis and was born with many of the same issues I was experiencing. I was determined to help him and sought the advice of many top professionals, but saw no improvement. Only once I started gently using minerals did we both start improving.

We’re both feeling great now, and according to my son’s school, he is “flying.”


Nicola Bell joined Pebble Nutrition in December 2023 and is our part-time nutritionist, currently specialising in hair mineral analysis.

Nicola’s passion for nutrition stems from personal experience. After seeking Kathryn’s guidance for her own son, Nicola witnessed remarkable progress through Kathryn’s “low and slow” approach to supplementation, particularly with children and sensitive clients. Inspired by this, she pursued a career in nutrition to help other families achieve similar benefits.

Since December 2023, Nicola has been working part-time with Kathryn, supporting clients with neurodiverse conditions to menopausal women.


We often say that achieving good health is like fitting together a difficult jigsaw. It’s about finding all the pieces of the individual’s own personal jigsaw, and that’s where we can help.

We use nutritional tests, as discussed above, to uncover underlying issues, such as nutrient deficiencies, digestive problems, bacterial, fungal, or viral issues, inflammation, heavy metals, oxalate problems, food intolerances, and many other root causes.

Some of the symptoms we can help with include fatigue, inflammation, emotional and digestive issues. I also work with many clients who have Autism, ADHD, tics, OCD, PANS, PANDAS or other neuropsychiatric conditions.


We offer a range of tests, including Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), Organic Acid Test (OAT), Stool GI-MAP, and genetic tests, to name a few.

We offer flexible packages, whether you want just one test or several. If you’re unsure about what tests you need or would like more details on packages and pricing, please contact us via the form below, and we would be delighted to help.


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We regularly post tips and sometimes offer free hair mineral tests.


We specialise in hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). In a nutshell HTMA’s show imbalances of minerals which may be causing ongoing health issues.

When we have mineral deficiencies, excesses or imbalanced minerals, the body cannot function correctly.

The test is very simple and only requires a small sample (approximately a heaped teaspoon) of hair from the nape of the neck.

HTMA provides information on….

  • At least 20 minerals (e.g. calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, magnesium)
  • Mineral deficiencies, imbalances and toxicities
  • Digestive health
  • Blood sugar handling abilities
  • Lifestyle imbalances such as stress or anxiety
  • Gland health especially the adrenals and thyroid
  • Toxic heavy metal status (e.g lead, mercury and arsenic)
  • Metabolism

Why we focus on minerals

Minerals play vital roles in hormone production, sleep, muscle relaxation, and maintaining the health of the nervous, cardiovascular, and immune systems.

Many people are deficient or imbalanced in minerals due to stress, certain foods, medications, and the declining mineral content in soils. Heavy metals can also block mineral absorption. My mineral plans are designed to address symptoms like anxiety, depression, irritability, sleep issues, restless legs, adrenal fatigue, hyperactivity, blood sugar imbalances, and fatigue.


Blood tests show a snapshot of mineral levels at a specific moment and may not reveal imbalances until symptoms are more advanced. They can be influenced by factors like the time of day and meals.
In contrast, hair mineral testing (HTMA) provides a longer-term view (about 3 months) and can help detect imbalances and heavy metals that the body deposits earlier than blood tests. However, blood tests can be more reliable for assessing iron levels.

Organic Acid Test (OAT)

The OAT is another excellent nutritional test, it includes 74 markers all from one urine sample, providing a metabolic “snapshot” based on products the body discards during urination. 

It provides an excellent oversight into:

  • Yeast
  • Mould
  • Pathogenic bacteria including clostridia
  • Mitochondrial function (needed for energy)
  • Neurotransmitter levels (brain hormones)
  • Fat metabolism
  • Nutritional and detox markers
  • Amino acid/ protein markers
  • It is one of the only tests that gives an idea if someone is experiencing oxalate or/and salicylate issues. Both of these natural chemicals can increase inflammation and deplete many nutrients. 

Great for a wide group of people with chronic health issues such as autoimmune, digestive problems, hyperactive behaviours, metabolic disorders or chronic fatigue, as well as autistic or ADD/ADHD children.

More Information

Below you can find answers to some commonly asked questions.

Do let us know if you have any other queries.

What are the differences between some of the main tests?
  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) – this test gives a good overall insight into mineral deficiencies and excesses as well as giving clues about adrenal health (stress response), thyroid and gut health, and. It also looks at range of heavy metals such as arsenic that can interfere with the absorption of nutrients. This test is performed using a small amount of hair sample.
  • Organic Acid Test (OAT) – this test is sourced from Regenerus in the UK. It is then analysed by Great Plains Laboratory in the US. It shows candida levels, oxalates (which are natural chemicals in foods that can increase inflammation), neurotransmitters (brain hormones), bacteria, mitochondria markers (needed for energy) B vitamins and much more. This test is a urine sample.
  • Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP) – this test is through Nordic Labs and is a one-off stool sample. It reports levels of a range of different gut bacteria (good & bad bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococcus etc), yeast (e.g. candida), parasites; H-Pylori plus markers for inflammation, immune and digestive function.
  • MaxFunction (DNA) – we offer the MaxFunction test from MaxGen Labs. Genetic tests provide a blueprint for the rest of your life, you will never need to re-run the test. In our analysis we cross reference genetic tests with regular tests such as hair mineral and OAT tests to see what is currently expressing (as different genes can be ‘turned off or on’).
Which test should I do first? Should I run all tests at the same time?

This is a good question. Each test gives different clues as to what the root causes of health problems are so in an ideal world we would run a range of tests prior to analysis and recommendations. However some clients may wish to do one test at a time and slowly build up their nutritional plan. Each test we run gives more clues, so sometimes one test is plenty to get started. Others may want to do several tests at once and have a comprehensive view on the analysis and recommendations at the start. We are happy to work alongside our clients however they feel most comfortable.

Do I need to stop supplements or any particular foods before doing tests?

You don’t need to stop supplements before completing any of the tests, however if you are doing the OAT, please see a couple of supplements below that are best to stop prior to testing. Probiotics don’t need to be stopped before any testing as it gives a baseline to see if the supplements you are currently taking are effective.

  • GI-MAP: clients should avoid aspirin or NSAIDs (e.g. ibuprofen) 72 hours before taking the stool sample.
  • OAT: Please avoid apples, pears, grapes, raisins and any products that include these (e.g. fruit juice, biscuits that contain raisins) 24 hours before taking the sample. Please stop vitamin C 24 hours before the test as well. Avoid arabinogalactan, echinacea, reishi mushrooms, and ribose supplements for 48 hours before collection.

We have some clients who prefer to be off antibiotics a couple of weeks before running the GI-MAP/OAT, particularly if your child is only on a short course of antibiotics. However, we have many clients who are on antibiotics and run these tests, so either option is fine.

How do I do the hair test sample?

The hair test kit comes with instructions, so do read these before completing the sample. Here are a few more of our own:

  • The hair sample should be of hair that is untreated with any kind of dye (or other chemical treatment), nor should it have gel, hairspray or any kind of oil on it.
  • Just wash the hair like usual, once it is dry, take the sample (ideally, straight after the hair is dry, but up to 4 hours if necessary)
  • Ideally no oily shampoo or those with minerals like zinc should be used just before cutting the hair sample. Many just use a baby shampoo.
  • Use clean (e.g. stainless steel) scissors to cut the sample.
  • The sample ideally should come from a few locations – most take from the nape of the neck or from a spot where no one would notice the hair being gone. Alternatively, you can save the clippings from the back of the head, particularly for males or if they have short hair.
  • There are several video’s on YouTube on cutting the sample. A couple of examples are here and here.
How do I pay for tests?
  • HTMA: Please pay Mineral Check direct for this test, full payment details are provided on the sample envelope (please include your credit or debit card number, expiry date etc). Plus an email address.
  • OAT test: Please pay Regnerus direct for this test, payment is required before they send the sample out to you. Please check your junk folder, as often the email from Regenerus for the order goes in there.
  • GI-MAP test: We will invoice you for the cost of the test when the test is booked.
  • Genetic Testing: You will need to pay independently for postage to the US and the cost of the test (directly with the lab).

We ask for payment via Bank transfer if possible. With all tests, we will send an invoice to you with money due before the consultation. We ask for payment for all our services at least 24 hours before the consultation.

How long do tests take to come back?
  • HTMA test: Results take approximately 3-4 working weeks to come back once the lab have reached the sample.
  • OAT tests/GI-MAP: Results can take up to 4 weeks.
  • Genetic tests: Once received by the lab in the US, these results can take up to 5 weeks.
How soon are tests analysed?

We schedule the test analysis and your consultation only after we have received the results for all of the tests you have ordered. We would therefore encourage you to send the test samples back to the labs as soon as possible after you receive the test kits.

Please be assured that we will analyse your tests and book your consultation appointment as soon as we can. Usually turnaround is no more than 2 weeks, but we will only be able to give you an indication of the expected appointment date after we have received all of your test results, plus your completed health questionnaire.

What is the health questionnaire?

Prior to your first consultation we will ask you to complete a confidential questionnaire for your child or yourself. Please email the completed form to us at least a week before the consultation. We will review this thoroughly prior to your first consultation. The questionnaire gives us a great deal of information about the client (in conjunction with the results) and also helps get the most out of the time on the consultation.

What happens in an initial appointment?

Initial appointments prior to booking tests are available, however we do not insist on clients having an initial consultation prior to booking tests.

In the majority of cases the first consultation is only booked in once the client’s test results are received. Prior to the first consultation we review your questionnaire, analyse test results and create a customised nutritional plan.  These will then be discussed during the call.  Expect a first consultation to last for 1-1.5 hours depending on the complexity of the client’s condition.

The analysis will be emailed to you before the consultation and the nutritional plan will be sent up to 24 hours after the consultation.

What is available for follow up testing?

You are welcome to book a follow up consultation only (no testing), we have various options if you would like to retest, including lower priced options if you have already worked with me. Please see our pricing documents for more details.

What if we have done previous medical tests?

We would ask that previous medical tests are summarised in the medical history section of the questionnaire. Please note you are welcome to send copies of other tests however they will not be fully analysed. Only the results of tests that you order through us will be fully analysed.

How long do Nutritional plans last for?

Our plans are usually suitable for between eight and ten months.

Our plans are usually suitable for between eight to twelve months. During this time, you are welcome to book in an additional follow up consultation if you wish. I then usually suggest a retest to assess progress and change plans accordingly.

Regularly adjusting the plan is an important aspect of my work, as this allows me to gradually build and layer up the clients programme to maximise success.

Why do we use hair?

Hair is a tissue, just like the skin, muscles, nerves and internal organs such as the heart, liver and brain. Like other body tissues, hair contains minerals that are deposited as it grows. The HTMA test represents the mineral levels in the majority of soft tissues in the body. If we have mineral imbalances in the hair test, it usually indicates that there is mineral imbalance within the body.

Blood tests vs hair tests

Hair is a tissue and gives an insight into the metabolic processes happening inside our cells (intracellular). Which is where all the important things happen! Whereas blood is a transport system, so is a good measure of what’s happening outside out cells (extracellular).

How long does it take to balance my minerals?

Fixing minerals doesn’t happen overnight. I prefer the slow and steady route which can achieve longer-term benefits. If you keep going with the program over time, you will see benefits. The body can take time. Children can sometimes respond faster, as they have less to heal, compared to adults.

My thyroid tests are normal, but I still have thyroid related symptoms?

Some clients suspect they have a low thyroid issue. If their blood tests for thyroid function are within the “normal” range. It is commonly concluded that they don’t have a thyroid problem. Yet, they still experience thyroid related symptoms.

When we would look at the HTMA profiles of these individuals, quite often, the minerals that are considered to represent thyroid activity (Calcium and potassium) are imbalanced (i.e. a high level of calcium and low potassium). This suggests that the HTMA is a good tool to use to detect thyroid issues.

How often do I need a test?

Compared to other tests, the HTMA is not an expensive option, this makes retests a viable option to ensure we keep an eye on your progress. Any necessary adjustments to supplement needs/doses can be tweaked then if needed. It is recommended to recheck every 6-8 months.


“My son was diagnosed with PANS and Kathryn has been helping us every navigate the seemingly complicated world of nutrition by providing advice and support in a language we can understand.  She is always quick to respond to questions and nothing is too much bother. Kathryn is extremely professional and knowledgeable and our son is coming on leaps and bounds.  We are very grateful to have found her.”


“Your programme is working very very well, and I am full of gratitude – I look forward to coming to see you and continuing the work a little later in the year”.


“I used Kathryn to help with a broken arm, the arm was not healing and the Consultants were puzzled and said the next stage would be an operation. However I wanted to try fix it naturally if I could, without an operation. I was recommended to seek Kathryn’s help by a close friend and completed a mineral test, the results showed a lot of mineral deficiencies including those needed for bone health. After following her plan for 4 months, miraculously the bone was healed at the next scan. The Dr’s were amazed and are now interested in talking to Kathryn!”


“After spending a huge of money on various different practitioners, including some leading practitioners in London, I decided to come and see you. So glad I did, my digestive issues are SO much better and my depression that I never thought I could get rid of has considerably improved. The horrible brain fog has also gone! Just wish I had found her sooner! I have recommended to her to friends and family”.


“I just wanted to email to say thank you! My daughter is flourishing :)”


“You not only provide excellent nutritional advise, you support me emotionally through this very cruel PANS condition that my son has. As you say it’s like fitting a big jigsaw piece together. We are certainly fitting these missing pieces in for my son and he is getting better and better”.


“I cannot recommend Kathryn highly enough. I saw Kathryn for my youngest daughter, who suffering with many digestive problems, these have all now improved completely and anxiety is fading. Kathryn is kind and knowledgeable and has a great deal of experience.”


“You’re our family nutritionist, and nothing we ask is ever too much, you’re wonderful! I’m feeling so well and have so much more energy.”


“Thank you so much for all your support these past 1 yr and a half. I really don’t know where we would be now if it wasn’t for you!! You create your plans so carefully, which I really appreciate. In my worst days you were there not only for nutritional support but emotional support for a struggling parent! I highly recommend Kathryn. My children are both thriving and it is down to you”!


“Kathryn is so approachable, calm yet professional. Her analysis and plans are carefully explained and easy to understand. Nothing is too much trouble and she is so responsive over email and emotional support for me as a parent. I really wouldn’t be sane right now if I hadn’t met Kathryn”.


“I just wanted to let you know how well Arlo is doing! It’s amazing how much of difference this has made already!! He’s so much calmer, is sleeping through the night and has had no diarrhoea at all… incredible! I’m so happy, thank you”.


“We started using Kathryn after our son had been extremely sick with strep and post viral tics, our neurologist kept prescribing antibiotics, we soon realised we couldn’t use them long term I felt we weren’t looking at the root cause and he kept getting sick. Kathryn was very reassuring and understanding of what we were going through. Kathryn advised us to have my son’s hair analysed, we discovered our son was depleted in some important minerals and so he was very imbalanced, if certain minerals aren’t in balance then the body and immune system won’t work properly. This made so much sense to us and once we started the supplement plan that Kathryn our son improved and his tics diminished! We are currently tic free and his immune system and health has never been better. We have been so impressed by the results that we have asked Kathryn to do the same for both of us! Kathryn is extremely easy to talk to professional and has always been there to answer any of my questions when I needed her”.


Our son was suffering with so much anxiety, tantrums, picky eating the list was endless. He had such a pale complexion, he struggled to focus on anything really and was finding school so hard, not only in the classroom, but with making friends. He was very emotional and would spend a lot of time in tears.

We saw our GP on so many occasions, she tried to help, but we were only ever given increasing medications which didn’t help and actually made him worse. We undertook some tests, which Kathryn arranged and fully analysed. She recommended various supplements. The difference in him is amazing and he is now really thriving. Even teachers have been seeing a difference too, he has come on in so many ways, with reading, writing and can’t wait to get to school. He has also made friends. We are so grateful to have met Kathryn.


Our son is now thriving, through your careful and gentle plans and continued support, you have single-handedly improved his health.


Just an example of how we have helped Emily over this last year. There is a school trip for 20 students to go to Amsterdam on a visual arts trip in Sep. She has asked if she can go even though none of her friends will be going. This is huge! Not only does she want to go, she is SO excited about it. A year ago I would never have expected anything like this. Thank you!


I’ve been working with Kathryn for 2 years now, her knowledge is vast, way more than any other practitioner I have worked with. She is so dedicated to her work, yet has a lovely approach, she genuinely wants to help. Each test we do with her and find out more information, I get better and better! I really haven’t felt as good as this! So, a big big thank you!


I contacted Kathryn regarding my eldest son, he has PANS, he had got so bad he was refusing to go to school. We had tried everything and seen so many practitioners and Dr’s. Since following her nutritional plan now for a year my son’s anxiety has massively reduced. His general health has massively improved, he is finally growing and is now able to go back to school, which is a massive breakthrough for us. I am now in the process of testing my elder son with Kathryn! Thank you so much! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her. Her prices are also very reasonable.



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